This Is What Can Happen If You Leave A Toddler Alone In A Room For 20 Seconds
There's an old joke that says a child can take 35 minutes to tie their shoelaces but leave them alone with your iPhone for 17 seconds and they will delete all of your apps and call your boss. It's true that when given the chance to go unsupervised children will find some pretty incredible ways to cause a mess.
The toddlers on our list managed to use food, markers, toilet paper, and a ton of other items found around the house to cause massive disaster areas in a very short period of time.
That's Not Coming Out Anytime Soon

If you have a toddler in your house it's crucial that you hide all of your markers, especially the ones that will leave permanent marks on your cupboards, walls, and furniture. Adding insult to injury is the fact that toddlers are not exactly creating masterpieces. If you don't mind a bunch of scribbles all over your couch, then by all means, don't safely store your markers. This little kid definitely realizes they were caught in the act and totally guilty of doing exactly what mom and dad told them never to do. Either way, they are still totally adorable at the same time.
Toilet Paper Is Totally One Of The Most Fun Toys

Spinning toilet paper off the roll is a favorite pastime of so many toddlers. It's a simple task but something they can discover and accomplish on their own which likely plays into the fun they have. Once the toilet paper roll is removed from its holder there's even more fun to be had by spreading it all over the bathroom. Leave your toddler alone for even a few seconds and they can remove an entire roll and create a fort or complete mess out of the product. They'll also throw stuff in your toilet en masse and laugh while doing it.
Colorful Cereal Is Totally Like Playing With Legos

If you buy your child a bunch of colorful cereal there is a very good chance they will try to play with it. After all, the stuff looks like it is screaming for someone to spread it all over the floor and then stomp on it just for fun. Even when this adorable little boy is caught in the act he continues to act proud of himself for the mess. Thankfully, cereal is easy to clean up and isn't all that expensive. Still, why do kids feel the need to play with the very food they typically love to eat?
Seriously, Don't Leave Them Alone For Even One Second

At least this little toddler managed to get some of the chocolate in his mouth. Unfortunately for mom and dad, this is one of those products that is incredibly hard to clean up. Given the way his fingerprints area all over the "crime scene" and his face is smeared in chocolate, this little guy can't deny that he was the culprit of this chocolate disaster. Is it bad to say we are glad he was able to at least get a taste of the product he used to destroy his parents' kitchen? Not only that, but mom and dad will also have to deal with his sugar high.
Sugar Crash!

When you leave your toddler alone for a few seconds and they find a bag of powdered sugar, fun is sure to be had! It looks like this little toddler found the sugar, played in it, and then ate some of the food product. Based on his reaction it looks like his sugar high is playing out and he'll soon be in for a nap, but not before mom and dad wrestle him into the bathtub to clean off. This is one of those cases when calling in a professional cleaning service is probably the best course of action.
This Is Why You Don't Buy Pillows With Fluff Inside

Even when you think you have toddler-proofed your home there's a very real chance they will find some new and exciting way to destroy your belongings. When you have multiple children in your home they can make an even bigger mess by teaming up to drive you insane. We're pretty sure these two toddlers held a meeting and decided it was time to destroy the family couch. Remember, it only takes a few minutes for your living room to go from completely clean to a complete disaster area. At least these children look like they are having fun with their new project.
A Sandbox Inside The House? Nice Try Mom And Dad

If you put sand in a box and give it to your child to play with inside this will be the result 100% of the time. At least this child was playing on a hardwood floor, making the mess easier to vacuum. On the other hand, a lot of that sand likely slipped between the floor's cracks, leading to a mess that will probably rear its ugly head for a long time to come. We have to hand it to his parents for allowing him to have this kind of fun with the full knowledge that a mess was going to occur.
At Least He's Enjoying Himself

The mind of a toddler is a really amazing and confusing work of nature. This little boy could have easily held onto the Doritos bag and watched TV. Instead, he decided it would be better to pour the entire bag into his lap and pick up each chip one by one. In a way he was right, this is an easier way to gain access to the chips. However, his parents are going to spend a lot of time vacuuming and cleaning the couch once he finishes the chips. Either way, he's a toddler and he obviously doesn't care as he continues to watch his favorite TV show.
Eggs. They're Not Just For Easter

If you leave eggs on the countertop or your toddler becomes strong enough to open the refrigerator, you will likely deal with this sticky mess at some point. Let's face it, eggs are a ton of fun to play with. When they crack they make a cool sound and once opened they are just like playing with a big pile of slime. Even after being caught in the act this little guy continues to play with the broken and unbroken eggs as if there is nothing wrong with what he has just done. He apparently likes to eat his eggs scrambled.
Spaghetti O-No's

Let's face it, even if you don't leave your child alone they will find a way to make a massive mess very quickly. At least this little child managed to keep the food on their face and not all over the house. At the same time, there is almost nothing more adorable than a toddler learning how to feed themselves for the first time. Just look how happy this little girl is with her newfound independence. We have a feeling someone is getting a bath or a quick shower after they finally finish eating a few pieces of their spaghetti dinner.
Two Toddlers Equal Double The Mess

We don't know why toddlers like to team up for chaos but they often make a really good team.This time around the little boy realizes he didn't follow the rules based on the look on his face. With all of that glittery mess on the couch, mom and dad are going to have a hard time cleaning up this disaster area. Because the children are toddlers this probably won't be the last time they destroy a room when left alone for a very brief moment of time. Remember, if your toddlers are being quiet, they are probably up to something.
Kids Love Paint Projects

Playing with paint is a ton of fun and when you can do it with a friend it's even better. Unfortunately, these little boys didn't manage to get any of the paint on paper. Why are they in the shower with all of their clothes on? Any parent with a toddler can tell you that sometimes it's just easier to clean up a toddler's mess by sticking them in the bathtub and turning on the water. They probably won't make this same mistake in the future. Who are we kidding? If given the chance these little boys would probably do the exact same thing a second time.
A Future Makeup Artist In The Works

Markers are a ton of fun to play with and kids don't stick to notebooks and coloring books. Why children want to cover their own faces in marker is beyond us, but it's a given. This little girl uses various colors to cover her face, perhaps she thought it would look just like mom's makeup. At least she used Crayola markers which are washable. If this had been a Sharpie her parents would have been scrubbing marker off her face for hours or even days. At the same time, just look how proud this adorable little girl looks of her artistic masterpiece.
All My Toys Belong On The Floor Right?

Even when you give your children a ton of storage space for their toys they will cause a mess. This little girl knows her toys should be put back when she's done playing. The problem is that she's never done playing. If you're a parent you know a child can make this type of mess in a few minutes but then spend three hours cleaning it up while complaining the entire time. We think this little child was attempting to make sure not a single toy was confined to the boxes where they are supposed to be stored when not in use.
But Peanut Butter Is Good For Me!

Peanut butter is a great source of protein but only when your toddler actually manages to get some of it in their mouth. This little baby treated an entire jar as nothing more than a sticky finger painting kit. You'll want to catch your child in the act when this occurs. Failure to grab them before they start crawling around is going to leave you with days of sticky clean up. It's hard to get mad at a toddler when you find them making a mess like this but they have the world's biggest smile on their face at the same time.
Countertops Are Barely An Obstacle For Toddlers

If you are fortunate enough to give birth to a climber, you are in for a real treat. Toddlers who learn how to scale the counters in your kitchen are likely to create the biggest messes in your home. Make sure to put child locks on your cabinets or keep a constant eye on your little bundle of joy. When you have multiple children in your home they will even work together to destroy your kitchen from both the high and low ground. At least these kids have figured out what it means to work together in a team setting.
Baby Powder For My Baby Doll!

This is the type of adorable mess we simple can't really get mad at. This little girl knows that her mom uses baby powder on her and she wanted to apply the same principle to her doll. She may have gone a little bit overboard with her endeavor but her baby doll is definitely well coated. She also managed to give the couch and her entire body a generous helping of the baby powder. Here's to remembering that child locks are a parent's best friend when they have young children roaming around their home during all hours of the day.
Toilet Paper Is Amusing To Toddlers

There are two things to worry about in this photo. First, this small toddler has managed to remove the entire roll of toilet paper. Second, the toilet lid is open. This is the point where mom and dad have to hope they don't have a giant clog on their hand. Children know toilet paper goes in the potty but they often fail to realize that too much will cause water to overflow. Either way, when kids are caught in the act with toilet paper they don't seem to care that mom or dad found them playing around in the bathroom.
Going To Jail

You've got to love big sisters, particularly when they're in a take-charge kind of mood. This youngster probably thought it was hilarious when she put her baby sister behind bars. She cleverly used the family dog's cage to lock her sibling up. And as you can see by the finger point, she is very serious. We can't help but wonder what type of crime the infant committed to earn such a harsh punishment. Maybe she stole one of her sister's toys? Whatever she did, the baby doesn't seem particularly upset to be locked up. Look at that giant smile on her face.
A New Paint Job

Here's a warning to new parents: never leave your kids alone in a room with paint. Better yet, don't keep any kind of paint in the house at all! Whoever was behind this mess may have a career as an interior decorator. The kid obviously didn't like the bland beige walls and white doors and decided to brighten them up with a smattering of red paint. If the parents were smart, they gave their child washable paint. Hopefully, with just a little elbow grease it wasn't too difficult to clean up. But we have to admit, the tiny hand prints are rather cute.
Tea For Two

Some kids are really creative. Some of them have imaginary friends, while others opt to use their pets for their play dates. We assume it was a little girl who decided to dress her dog up in a pretty hat and serve her some tea. What we love about this photo is the dog doesn't seem to mind at all. He obviously loves his human very much. And notice how the child put the tea set on a place mat and also included an umbrella. You leave your child alone for just a few minutes, and they create a tea party for two. Ingenious!
A Terrible Mess

We're not exactly sure what this toddler got into to make such an enormous mess. It looks like he got his hands on both the refrigerator and some kind of cleaning fluid. The terrible thing is that the floor is going to be really difficult to clean because the liquid looks as though it seeped underneath the refrigerator. This little guy probably got into a lot of trouble. And he also somehow managed to cover himself up in the goop. Yuck! Hopefully, he didn't get anything in his eyes because then you'd have not only a messy toddler but an injured one as well.
Chocolate Face

This little girl loved her chocolate treat so much that she smeared it all over her face. You turn away for just a few seconds, and bam! She looks like a completely different person. We have to respect someone who's such a fan of chocolate. We can't blame her because it's so yummy. But using it as make-up may not be the best idea. While it smells pretty good, it's probably very sticky and difficult to remove. And, personally, we don't think it's a very good look. But this little girl probably just liked the way it felt on her face.
Puppy & Toddler Playtime

This photo is classic. Most kids love playing with their pets, and the really lucky ones get to share toys. It's unclear whether this toy was meant for the dog or meant for the toddler. But it doesn't really matter because they both seem to be enjoying it. Consider it a special bonding moment. The one downfall, however, is that the toddler may be getting some dog spit in his mouth. And we know where dogs' mouths go sometimes. So it's probably not the most hygienic toy to share. Plus, a dog's mouth is much stronger than a human's. We hope no one was hurt!
Budding Artist

This is the classic look of shame. This little girl is fully aware that she did a bad thing. And while we give her points for creativity, we have a feeling that the instrument she used to decorate the wall was probably permanent marker. This photo was probably taken while she was being scolded by mom or dad. She looks remorseful. We can't help but feel bad for her. She felt inspired to create a masterpiece and then got yelled at for letting out some creativity. Poor thing. Maybe someday she'll be a famous artist, and her parents will regret painting over the wall?
Cat Race Track

Here is another patient pet. And that is an unusual trait for cats. Look at how she is just lying down with a bunch of toy cars on the side of her body. She doesn't have a care in the world. And the little boy is having a grand old time using his pet as a race track. Maybe the cat likes the feel of the cars on her back. Perhaps it's like a mini massage. Either way, both the toddler and the feline appear to be enjoying themselves. A boy and his cat. It's a wonderful thing.

This pair is hilarious. And they know it. The older one obviously thought that she and her baby sister needed a new look. So why not grab a sharpie and make some changes? One of the best things about this picture is that both kids look so excited about what they did. The older one somehow managed to cover nearly her entire face. We can't help but wonder if she looked in the mirror while doing it or just closed her eyes and just smeared the marker all over the place. She was probably caught in the act before covering her sister's entire face.
Dog Playmate

This is one of the reasons why dogs are so awesome. He allowed his human to put toys all over his body. It's unclear how long he stayed still to allow this to happen. But it's one of the cutest things ever! Just look at the effort the kid put into carefully lining up the figurines on the dog's leg, torso and face. It's also weird. Why would someone want to place so many toys on a doberman pinscher? Well, kids sometimes do inexplicable things, and this is a perfect example. Sometimes you don't need to know the "why," you just have to accept the end result.
Shaving Cream Art

Sometimes you have to use what's around you to channel your inner artist. That's exactly what this little girl did. She got her hands on some shaving cream and went to town! Just look at her body and the mirror behind her -- they're absolutely covered in the creamy, white substance. We have to admit, it's probably a lot of fun to just get out of control sometimes and let loose. She has a smug smile on her face, she obviously enjoyed her little project. Kids are lucky because they can just be kids. If an adult did this, she'd be looked at in a very strange way.
Tub Time

If one toddler is left alone, you can imagine what happens when three are left together without any supervision. These three kids decided to take a bath. While we never advise a parent ever leave their children alone in a bathtub, for some reason these kids somehow managed to make a huge mess of bubbles while no one was looking. They probably poured a whole bottle of bubble bath into the tub. But you know what? It looks amazing! Who wouldn't want to play in a bathroom full of bubbles? Unfortunately, the clean up was probably not very fun.
Playing Doctor

It's possible that this little girl may be a doctor when she grows up. She is starting a little bit early by practicing on her dog, who doesn't appear to be too thrilled about the examination. He's letting his human check him out with a stethoscope, but he doesn't seem very happy about it. It's unclear whether the toddler is using a real stethoscope or a fake one. Maybe she took it from one of her parents? Either way, she appears to know the general area of her pup's heart. We have a feeling she'll do great things in life.
Footprints Tell The Story

This little one looks so tiny that she probably only recently learned how to walk. But that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to get into trouble. Again, we ask why parents would leave paint out for a toddler to get into. It's never a good idea. This kid somehow got into some purple paint and managed to get it all over her feet. She then proceeded to walk down the hallway, leaving a trail of purple footprints. There's no way she could hide! The best part is that after she was located by mom and dad, she was fast asleep in the pile of paint. Awww!
Face Painting Gone Awry

These two look like they're in big trouble. First of all, the older sister should know better. Yet she still decided to get her hands on some paint and decorate her face as well as her sister's. But that wasn't the end of it. They got paint all over the place, including their clothes, the furniture, and the carpet. And from the looks of it, the paint they used was household paint (and not washable.). This is a total mess. But again, kids will be kids, and sometimes the temptation is so great that they can't help themselves.
The Dog Did It

One of the great things about having a dog is you can blame it for things (such as smelly farts). We have a feeling that this kid probably did the same thing with his dog, only instead of flatulence it was a messy kitchen! Somehow we have a feeling the toddler that got into the flour, not the dog. After all, flour isn't something a dog is interested in eating. However, it's something a kid would have a lot of fun playing with. We love how the dog got into the action anyway. He's the kid's sidekick.
Lapping Up Spilled Milk

Here's what we think happened. The toddler was carrying some milk in her cup when she tripped and spilled it all over the place. Now we know you shouldn't cry over spilled milk, but what can you do? Drink it off the floor, of course! This kid is just doing what her three cats are doing. It probably doesn't seem strange to her at all. After all, why waste some perfectly good milk? However, we don't know what else is on that floor or the last time it was cleaned. So while the cats are probably okay, the kid should probably stick to using cups.
Pet Canvas

A white dog is probably just a blank canvas to most kids. And what do you do with a blank canvas? Draw on it, of course. This toddler is exercising his creativity by writing on his dog. And the funniest thing is that the dog doesn't seem to mind. He's just lying there and letting his human create art on his body. First of all, dogs don't usually have a problem with vanity. And maybe it feels good to have someone draw on your face. We don't know. We've never experienced it. But this toddler and dog seem to be having a nice time.
Messy Eaters

Twins are adorable for so many reasons. It's great when parents dress them alike, and they're difficult to tell apart. These two identical twins are wearing the same pajamas and smearing identical peanut butter on their hands and faces. We know that most toddlers eat with their hands, so it's not unusual for this type of behavior to occur. But look how they both have spots of peanut butter on the left sides of their foreheads! Not only do they look alike, they also eat food the same way! They don't seem to be bothered by it. Let them eat how they want to eat.
That's Not Coming Out Anytime Soon

Flour is another favorite vehicle of homemade destruction for little kids. If you are baking a cake, making bread, or using flour for any other purpose, it's a good idea to keep your ingredients out of reach. Flour doesn't just stick to the ground and cupboards, it also explodes into the air, sending a giant mess to all corners of a room. If your toddler gets into your flour stash the rest of your day will be spent attempt to clean up their fun. Only a toddler would want to wear a bowl full of flour on top of their head.
Just Checking Some Emails

Oh no! Look what we have here. This is a prime example of why you shouldn't leave your precious technology alone with your precious toddler. The worst is bound to happen. This little tot probably saw Mom or Dad on the laptop all the time and was wondering what all the fuss was about. Unfortunately, the little mess maker found out how to take off the keys! There is a slight look of guilt on this baby's face, so we can't be too mad at the adorable "what did I do?" face. Hopefully, the youngster didn't inadvertently erase something important!
When The Hulk Is Your Hero

This little guy might have seen The Hulk in one of the most recent Avengers installations and decided that The Hulk was his favorite Avenger (which is debatable). That argument aside, we can't blame the little guy for idolizing such a powerful, albeit a little too angry, superhero! This is why he decided to color himself green with a marker so he could be just like Bruce Banner. It looks like this kid is enjoying making a mess of himself and whoever is watching him here thinks it's too hilarious to stop him. But really, can we blame them?
A Fixer Upper

This baby is caught white-handed but has no qualms about the mess he just made. He's probably having a grand old time playing with the paint. Hey, he even helped paint the floors of the house for Mom and Dad! Oh, that wasn't what they were going for? Oh, well. At least Baby was just trying to help! Mom and Dad, distressed as they might be from having walked into this scene, must have thought it was too adorable to stop and reprimand him for it. Who knows? They might have a future house flipper on their hands!
Double, Double Toil And Trouble

They say it takes two to tango and apparently it also takes two rambunctious toddlers to cause a troublesome mess! Judging from the photo, we want to say that perhaps these two tots spilled the Cheerios all over the ground and even got some underneath the oven. Who knew they would be strong enough to pull out the extra shelf that is apparently holding a cast iron skillet?! That's a lot of manpower for two little ones who are presumably under the age of three. Notice the sack of potatoes in the upper right-hand corner and the cooling rack in the bottom left. These kids certainly had a heyday in the kitchen.
The Green Monster

The look of shame is all too apparent on this toddler. Look at the way he hangs his head in shame at what he's done. This picture was probably taken in mid-scolding. Let's hope that the parents weren't too harsh on their little one because, for one, this is to be expected of someone this age, especially if they somehow have access to markers. Second, how could you yell at someone who is too cute when they know they're in trouble?! This future Picasso really made the whole world his canvas because he got his scribbles on the wall, the furniture, his toys, and himself!
Peanut Butter Baby

You've probably seen this infamous video on the Internet! Three-year-old Emily got caught in the act of covering her 18-month-old little brother Ethan in smooth and creamy peanut butter. Mom, although probably slightly dismayed at the mess, was in good spirits about it, though, after she filmed her tots in the mess and laughed the whole way through. In the beginning of the original video, Mom says what all moms probably think when they catch their children in such a situation: "I knew you two would be getting into something but I just didn't imagine it would be this."
Speaking Of Butter...

This little girl appears to be in mid-cry, probably after getting caught by Mom or Dad for getting her tiny hands on the family stick of butter. She obviously knows she's done something wrong, but the all-too-hilarious scene just had to be captured. Sure the parents must not be pleased that not only did she get butter all over the counter and cabinets, but she also got it on her pajamas and her hair, which will be a greasy disaster to clean up. Keep reading to see another hilarious butter disaster with a totally different outcome!
Caught Green-Handed

This little girl got her hands on some green paint and had a ball. Unfortunately, the victim on said paint was Mom and Dad's clean, white bed sheets. We're sure that her parents weren't too pleased to find their little girl in this messy situation but just look at the joy on her face! She probably got in a little trouble, but that's not enough to kill the joy she felt over how much fun she had! Sometimes we just got to let kids be kids and enjoy it while it lasts. Hopefully next time she can do so in a less messy way.
Microsoft Paint

It seems that every kid's first experience with a computer was playing around with Microsoft Paint (back in the day, at least). Well, this little girl took that concept a whole step further and played with actual paint, using her family's computer as the canvas. It looks like what started out as a face painting project was extended to other household items. Hopefully, this was an easy clean up for the parents! Maybe next time there should be a hefty supply of paper around to avoid this kind of art project from happening.
Babies And Bathrooms Do Not Mix

Everyone should know this by now. Babies are prone to mess with toilet paper or whatever else they can get their hands on. Also, they love to put stuff in the toilet. In this particular situation, this little boy got a hold of a box of tampons. You can only imagine the disaster that would be. He even went so far as to unwrap each one before tossing them into the toilet. As all women know, tampons are absorbent, so each one that went into the toilet expanded. Imagine the plumbing nightmare this might have been.
The Worst Place To Leave Your Child Unattended

And that's in a public setting, of course. Imagine a mother of two doing the family shopping while trying to wrangle her two toddlers. She turned her back for two seconds and turned around to find they were gone. Panicking, she finally found them. Unfortunately, she found them in an aisle which they chose to wreak havoc on by pulling all the product off the shelves and scattering them on the floor. This has got to be a nightmare for any parent, especially in public, but the fact that this mom took a picture suggests she has a good humor about it. Kids will be kids.
I Don't Think You're Ready For This Jelly

This little boy is completely jelly wasted. He got his hands on a jar of grape jelly and ate straight out of the jar. All the sugar probably caused an intense sugar rush and lead this little boy to pass out. The parents couldn't help but take a picture of the hilarious scene. The boy is clearly caught red handed as he fell asleep with his hand still in the jar! This might have been a sticky mess to clean up afterward but we're sure the boy's parents weren't too harsh on him because this is too cute.
Painted Lady

What's the deal with kids loving to rub stuff all over themselves? Such is the case for this little girl, who found access to a bucket of white paint. The parents probably left it there for a few minutes in the middle of a home improvement project, but unfortunately, those few minutes were just enough time for this little girl to have fun with the contents of the bucket. The entire scene is too adorable, we must admit, with footprint tracks to boot! At least this little girl was happily running around in her skivvies because that paint probably doesn't come out of clothes easily.
The Tormented Television

Uh oh, this looks like a disaster. This little boy got his hands on something and unfortunately spread it all over the TV! We hope that's not paint, because that would be extra cringe-worthy, but we'll go ahead and guess that this is either shaving cream, lotion, or some kind of food product. It's much better to imagine that tame products like those are what is all over this nice, flat-screen TV because that wouldn't be so terrible to clean up. We can't imagine what compelled this little boy to make such a mess, but in his defense, the TV is so flat that it could be a canvas. Or maybe he didn't like what was showing at the moment.
It Wasn't Me

This little boy has guilty written all over his face2014in blue! In this hilarious photo, the little boy looks guilty as charged, but his expression and posture make it seem as if he doesn't want to admit it. Not only did he color his face and the wall, he also got the markings on the white dog! The dog looks back at him with a look that says, "What do you mean it wasn't you? It was totally you." We're sure the parents had a good laugh at this photo opportunity because we sure did. We wonder how long the dog stayed blue?
So Many Lollipops, So Little Time

This picture is too adorable! This little girl in her stylish onesie got a hold of a stash of lollipops. We suppose she couldn't settle on the right flavor, considering all the opened and uneaten lollipops on the floor! Her sugar rush must have come to a quick stop when she crashed in the middle of her candy escapade. Notice the lollipop she is still holding on to as she is knocked out. Her parents will probably have a little talk with her when she wakes up, but there is no way they could have been mad at this!
The Labyrinth

This picture is hilarious! It looks like this little boy found a roll of yarn and had a ball. Not only did he wrap the yarn all over himself, but he also wrapped it around at least four different pieces of furniture. The unfortunate part about this situation is that this big tangle is all probably connected by one single strand of yarn. The little boy is probably unaware of the mess he made, considering the chummy look on his face. Who can be mad at that? Needless to say, Mom and Dad should probably keep the arts and crafts out of reach.
A Little Snack

Look what we have here. It seems as if this little girl got her hands on the box of Cheerios. Realizing she just found the jackpot of her favorite snack, she decided to have at it and dump the entire contents of the cereal box on the floor. Oh no. She looks as if she just got caught in the act. We're sure her parents were amused to find their little girl in such a mess, but they were probably even more overjoyed to have to clean it up. We wonder how she even got a hold of the Cheerios if she's not tall enough to reach the counters...
Don't Cry Over It

Don't cry over spilled milk! This little boy certainly isn't. What probably happened here is that this boy felt a wave on independence and wanted to get his own glass of milk. It probably would have gone off without a single lost drop if he had asked his parents for help, but this little guy probably didn't do that. The gallon of milk was too heavy and we're sure you can imagine what happened from there. Mom and Dad probably weren't too mad, because hey, it looks like he still got his milk!
Bean Bag Boom

It's a little hard to see what's going on here, but our best guess is that these two tots got access to the inside of a bean bag chair and realized there was something fun inside of it. They probably wanted to play with all the bean bag granules so they went ahead and emptied the bean bag chair's contents all over the floor. The parents then walked into this winter wonderland and were probably shocked to see the two culprits at the scene of the crime. Looks like Mom and Dad have a big mess to clean up and they're probably going to consider not getting a replacement bean bag chair.
The Butter Bath

We told you we had another buttery situation to show you! This little boy found a whole tub of butter and you can only imagine how this situation escalated. He seems to be having the time of his life, especially considering how slippery the kitchen is. It looks like he ate the butter too, considering the fact that it's all over his mouth. Hopefully, Mom and Dad weren't too mad, because it's moments like these that although messy, are too precious to not capture. The parents probably want to hold on to these innocent moments for as long as they can.
This Looks Like The End Of A Ghostbusters Movie

Remember the scene in Ghostbusters when the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man descended on the city and the Ghostbusters blast him to kingdom come? These children have almost perfectly re-enacted that scene with what appears to be a giant container of marshmallow fluff. They may have had fun making this mess but they probably won't enjoy the cleanup process quite so much. This is one of those moments when people without children are happy to be living on their own. However, parents often get upset when stuff like this occurs but then cherish the crazy moments as their children grow older.
Cake Face

Little kids can be some of the most stubborn people on the planet, insisting they feed themselves even though their motor skills are quite yet fully developed. This little guy was no different when given his birthday cake. He was quick to skip the fork entirely and use his hands to deliver that delicious cake straight to his mouth! And we really can't blame him. After all, who doesn't love a big piece of cake? Plus, if adults were to eat cake like this, there's no way it would be considered cute. So go on kid, enjoy that cake while you still can!
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